
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication

Wavics 1.0 - Come into the Lab - Open Doors @Laboratorul de Arhitectura - Thursday, 23 May

Wavics is a synergistic project that is investigating material reactions to human behavior. It enables the audience to inflict a sinuous movement on the surface of a 70 X 50 cm surface made out of 3312 straws without touching it.

The wave is a reactive surface that allows the audience to take the lead and control their environment. This way, the experience and participate tot the creation of new spaces. The natural form of the design together with the life-like movement of the elastic surface remind us of either a flying carpet or sea-weed.

The interactive installation will be exhibited on 23rd May at Come into the Lab, the open doors event of Laboratorul de Arhitectura (Mircea Vulcanescu, 27).

TEAM: Andrei Mitisor, Ina Leonte, Aostacioae Mihai

Soundtrack by Electroware - Memories
dj stefan, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Greece License. Based on a work at wiki.creativecommons.org.

www.parametrica.ro | www.facebook.com/parametrica.ro | www.generativeoptimization.ro

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