
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication

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Comment by christy oates on November 14, 2011 at 4:24am

Thanks for your question, sorry it took me so long to respond.  Wood veneer marquetry is my medium, and I wanted to mimic the manufacturing process by using industrial machines to create something that was not a wasteful or mass-produced product, hence the theme of repetative patterns.  The inspiration behind this piece came from working in a manufacturing facility and seeing the waste that went through.  Laser cutting can be used as a low-waste manufacturing tool because of the small kerf and the ability to "nest" shapes very closely together.  In effect, this piece is inspired by machines, uses subject matter from machines, and cut with machines, but the handwork involved shows that even though it is made digitally, there is also a lot of skill and craft dedicated to the piece.

Comment by WE-DESIGNS.ORG on May 27, 2011 at 4:47am
Esthetically enticing; however, isn't this just creating more waste rather than re-using/cycle actual e-waste? the title made of the video/project made it seem like it implicated some form of full-cycle use, but from the video, it seemed that the wood veneers used were of new material?

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