
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication

CITA.studio: Installation Project: CASCADING LUMINESCENCE


The Installation Project engages students in first and second year of the Master directly in learning about the roles, status and definition of a Digital Programmed Model. By ‘learning through doing’ students understand how the model supports design develop-ment and experiment, simulation, analysis and fabrication. Students engage directly with all of these techniques, resulting in the realisation of full-scale physical prototypes. The Installation Project takes point of departure in CITA’s core research questions. This acts as a foundation from which students define a collaborative direction and appropri-ate methods of investigation. The collaborative nature of the group work fosters an exchange of knowledge and skills between students from first and second year of the Master.

The Installation Project explores the challenges to material culture that occur with the application of computational design practice. Examining the digital through the material allows students to query the underlying translations between description and matter, schema and detail through a hands-on direct engagement with the processes of making. The Installation Project results in a resolved architectural-tectonic speculation into the new potentials for digital design, digital simulation and digital fabrication.

The Project is integrated and in link with the content and the pedagogic aims of the Schools Common Basic Discipline Tek 5 and the Project Related Disciplines: Advanced structural conceptual design, and DigitalCrafting: Making and prototyping.

Spaceframes Modules and Modulation

The semester took its point of departure in the years topic of lightness with a special focus on spaceframes and modular structures.The investigations were geared towards generating an understanding of systems and modules and the investigation of concepts and techniques that allow to design with these systems.

Non-standard techniques make it possible to consider the modulation of space-frame structures, and to seed differentiation and specificity into an idea that has been charac-terized more by repetition and the tendency towards standardization. The process of speculation began by exploring how to generate, create change in and map a phenome-na. Each team was asked to prototype physical modules that demonstrate a shift be-tween two states. Key aspects included identifying a performance and a related con-trolling parameter, speculating on what this might be architecturally and testing the impact and potential of modulation.
This was the outset into an 8 weeks journey through effects, modules, systems, packing, simulation of physics, development of details and assembly strategies and finally fabrica-tion and presentation.

week 1 - mapping and generating a phenomena
week 2 - how the phenomena has spatial qualities
week 3 - is about the designed deployment of the phenomena in the site
week 4 - is the sketching of the concept
week 5 - is for the most of us the tek5 course
week 6 - manifests the concept and the production strategy
week 7-8 - are production time
week9 - reserved for Presentation, Evaluation and Christmasparty


Ida Friis Thinning
Jesper Wallgren
Jonas Ersson
Margerita Isabel Huszar
Oskar Edström
Sofia Adolfsson


Martin Tamke
Paul Nicholas
David Stasiuk
Phil Ayres
Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen


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