
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication

RhinoFabLab's Comments

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At 3:42am on September 7, 2013, Lara Yazmaciyan said…

Hi everyone ,

Thanks for welcoming ,hope to share good work and experience together ..

At 6:18pm on December 10, 2012, J Swanson said…

Yes, next week should be great. I will send out a confirmation letter for all of the teachers soon.

At 3:29pm on January 19, 2012, Ana Fonseca said…

Thank you Andres! I´m glad to be here and to get involved in the community! 

At 1:17pm on September 29, 2011, Claudio Gussini said…

Hi and thanks for your message. Yes, some of the have been only concepts, other have been produced.



At 6:23pm on May 9, 2011, Isabel Cristina Bernal Tobón said…
No, estoy en ninguna clase aprendí por mi cuenta RhinoGold, hypershot,Brazil, RhinoCam, Rhinofhoto, pero yo soy ingeniera mecánica y mi fuerte son otros programas de diseño mecánico y maquinado, no conozco gjd3d
At 7:27pm on February 11, 2011, DAVID VANEGAS said…

si andres eso esta hecho con la ROLAND MDX 40 A




At 8:03pm on February 8, 2011, Santiago R. Perez said…
Thanks for your welcoming comments!
At 11:37am on October 12, 2010, Agnes Tan said…
Hi Teacher Andres :)
I am fine. Here I am your student too :)
At 10:38am on October 8, 2010, marc kohlen said…
Hi there,

Yes, i was shocked a bit when I arrived this morning and saw that white wall. But it was a piece of cake bringing it into the cadcam workplace.
Of course you can add it with a comment to your group. Let me mention that we have one of the "smaller" machines which can cut EPS with a hot wire. Bigger ones are as big as a house, cutting windmill rotors for instance.
We will publish any action as soon as we got this thing going.

At 9:41am on October 8, 2010, marc kohlen said…
Hello Andres, thank you. But it is not my work but David Rickard's work; i helped him a bit setting it up.
My job here at the EKWC is setting up a CadCam WorkSpace
Next week there's going to be the opening at thursday the 14th. We intent to have a small but dedicated and experimental CadCam work space to help in making ceramics but not be limited to ceramics only.
You will hear from us soon.

At 2:55pm on September 3, 2010, Terri Laurenceau said…
Hi Andres, I am looking forward to getting involved!
At 2:40pm on August 24, 2010, Eliuth Martinez said…

Nos Vemos en el TEC

At 11:18pm on August 3, 2010, Ana María Castaño said…
Andres! Gracias a vos! El curso fue maravilloso, recibí muchisimo mas de lo que esperaba y ya estoy por aqui para seguir progresando =)
At 11:21am on June 25, 2010, Olga Sasplugas said…
Hi Andres,

If you'd like to collaborate with us in any way, in order to increase both of our audiences, like setting up a Design Competition, or anything else that comes to your mind, I am open.

Let me know what are your web traffic status and your readers profile and we can start a conversation.

My email address is: olga@ponoko.com. You can email me there directly.

At 11:07am on June 25, 2010, Olga Sasplugas said…
Hi Rhino!

I was actually about to email you as I really enjoyed reading your story:

Let me know what are your thoughts in terms of a collaboration..

I'm looking forward to reading your next edition :)

Best wishes,


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