
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication

IIT Students Explore the Potential of Carbon Fiber

Undergraduates at IIT designed, funded, and fabricated FIBERwave PAVILION during the spring semester. (Courtesy Alphonso Peluso)

Undergraduates at IIT designed, funded, and fabricated FIBERwave PAVILION during the spring semester. (Courtesy Alphonso Peluso)

The winning design is based on a bivalve shell structure. The student who came up with the idea used parametric design software to explore tessellations of the single shell form. “What I was pushing them to do in the first semester was large surfaces that weren’t repetitive,” said Peluso. “In the second semester, it was like they intuitively knew there had to be repetition of the unit.” As a group, the class further developed the design in Rhino and Grasshopper.

Complete article at: http://blog.archpaper.com/wordpress/archives/87910#.U9AHN7HmgkI

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