
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication


This tutorial will show you how to use v-carving techniques with a ballnose or large cove bit.  Some programs have a texture function that uses the shape of the bit to produce randomized toolpaths or textures automatically.  It requires alot of trial and error.  The way I outline here allows you to control exactly how you want your pattern to look, but still keeps machining time to a


Here is the link!


minimum.http://vvander.com/2011/03/26/carved-wall-panel-tutorial/Black and white carve panel

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Comment by William Nieto on September 2, 2011 at 4:11pm
es una excelente aplicación: posee forma y contenido propicio tanto para novatos como para expertos, desde un arquitecto hasta un joyero, gracias por la enseñanza!!

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