
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication

Hello Group,

I was reviewing the various RhinoFabLab locations and was wondering if there are any developments in the Portland, Oregon area.

I didn't see Portland listed, yet I was wondering if there are any developments, or perhaps groups working on this for Portland that might not be listed on the FabLab locations list?

Is there a list for groups "in process"?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

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Hi Timpthy

The best person to talk about that would be Jody at McNeel Seattle, her e-mail is jody@mcneel.com

I do know few Universities are taking level 102 now to be able to apply later during fall.

Let me know how it goes..

Andres Gonzalez


Hello Andres,

Thanks so much for your reply. I will send an email to Jody, thanks for replying with this information.

I will post any responses or feedback here if it seems appropriate.

Thanks so much,


Do hope all goes well! Jody is great, her phone number is: 206 634 4571

Hello Tim,

We at Sherwood High have a Fab lab and are in the process of putting together a traveling Fab Lab to share with students and teachers around Oregon. PCC has also recently added a Maker Space to the Sylvainia campus.



Hi John,

Thanks for posting this info about the Sherwood and PCC fab labs. The fab lab at the Bowmen website, is this a high school fab lab or is this open to the public near Sherwood High School?

Thanks for your feedback,



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