All Videos Tagged injection (RhinoFabStudio) - RhinoFabStudio2025-01-23T01:01:38Z to make a partition line in Rhino,2019-10-11:4439072:Video:1951102019-10-11T21:37:47.281ZAndres Gonzalez
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Join Kyle Houchens in this video where he shows a new Rhino 7 feature: ribbon offset. He explains how to create a 3D partition line in for mold making in Rhino.
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Join Kyle Houchens in this video where he shows a new Rhino 7 feature: ribbon offset. He explains how to create a 3D partition line in for mold making in Rhino.