

Miami, FL

United States

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2) Teacher, 3) Professional
Your Birthday!
July 4
Company, School, or Organization
Mcneel Miami

Comment Wall:

  • Olga Sasplugas

    Hi Rhino!

    I was actually about to email you as I really enjoyed reading your story:

    Let me know what are your thoughts in terms of a collaboration..

    I'm looking forward to reading your next edition :)

    Best wishes,

  • Olga Sasplugas

    Hi Andres,

    If you'd like to collaborate with us in any way, in order to increase both of our audiences, like setting up a Design Competition, or anything else that comes to your mind, I am open.

    Let me know what are your web traffic status and your readers profile and we can start a conversation.

    My email address is: olga@ponoko.com. You can email me there directly.

  • Ana María Castaño

    Andres! Gracias a vos! El curso fue maravilloso, recibí muchisimo mas de lo que esperaba y ya estoy por aqui para seguir progresando =)
  • Eliuth Martinez


    Nos Vemos en el TEC

  • Terri Laurenceau

    Hi Andres, I am looking forward to getting involved!
  • marc kohlen

    Hello Andres, thank you. But it is not my work but David Rickard's work; i helped him a bit setting it up.
    My job here at the EKWC is setting up a CadCam WorkSpace
    Next week there's going to be the opening at thursday the 14th. We intent to have a small but dedicated and experimental CadCam work space to help in making ceramics but not be limited to ceramics only.
    You will hear from us soon.

  • marc kohlen

    Hi there,

    Yes, i was shocked a bit when I arrived this morning and saw that white wall. But it was a piece of cake bringing it into the cadcam workplace.
    Of course you can add it with a comment to your group. Let me mention that we have one of the "smaller" machines which can cut EPS with a hot wire. Bigger ones are as big as a house, cutting windmill rotors for instance.
    We will publish any action as soon as we got this thing going.

  • Agnes Tan

    Hi Teacher Andres :)
    I am fine. Here I am your student too :)
  • Santiago R. Perez

    Thanks for your welcoming comments!

    si andres eso esta hecho con la ROLAND MDX 40 A




  • Isabel Cristina Bernal Tobón

    No, estoy en ninguna clase aprendí por mi cuenta RhinoGold, hypershot,Brazil, RhinoCam, Rhinofhoto, pero yo soy ingeniera mecánica y mi fuerte son otros programas de diseño mecánico y maquinado, no conozco gjd3d
  • Claudio Gussini

    Hi and thanks for your message. Yes, some of the have been only concepts, other have been produced.

