Andres Gonzalez


Miami, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Use PC or Mac?
1) PC, 2) Mac
Web, Blog or Personal E-Mail
Actual Position:
2) Teacher, 3) Professional
Your Birthday!
July 4
Company, School, or Organization
McNeel Miami

Comment Wall:

  • Jamagax

    Todo bien en el curso, ya estamos preparandonos para el año que viene. Cuando llegas a l D.F?
  • uldooz

    Thank alot Mr Gonzaleze for your atention.
  • Mario Recchia

    Hi Andres

    Thx for your comment...and yes.. all those objects are made in Rhino.
  • Ernesto Bueno

    Hey Andrés,
    Thanks for your message!
    Have a happy New Year's eve!
  • Constanza Ruiz

    Hola Andrés, justo el 24 me voy unos días a NY así que no nos cruzaremos jajjaj. Van a venir a dar el curso en lo de Miri? yo ahí hice mi curso de rhino hace unos años. Saludos!
  • Emilia

    Soy estudiante de Diseño Indutrial en la UNLP.
    Espero poder hacer el curso.
  • diego camargo

    ready! we'll talk next week...
  • Mark Jewell

    Hola Andres cool website! Looking forward to seeing you at AIA this June....
  • Jon Mirtschin

    Hi Andres, Of course, please grab any videos you find interesting for RhinoFabLab. If you've any ideas, suggestions or requests, please send them through.
  • Grapho Design Software

    Hello Andres! How are you?? here is Paulo from Grapho SP, when will you arrive here?? will you came to Sao Paulo?

    I will provide a grasshopper training in april, in a stair's company!
  • Grapho Design Software

    Hi Andres, i saw your message just now, i have a lot of things to do here...hehehehe
    i will find you ther in Tecnogold! Be sure! But....i don't know what is F-O-D...what is it??
  • Grapho Design Software

    Andres, i put a video in Youtube, is a project of stairs in GH, please help me to propagate this. Say what you thinik about!

    What is the university you will visit here in Sao Paulo? I spoke with marketing people here in Grapho, maybe we try to organize an event here too.

  • Grapho Design Software

    Sorry! I forgot the link!heheh

    Thx! Bye!
  • Leonardo Bonilla

    Gracias Andrés, haré todo lo que este a mi alcance para mostrar buen material.
  • Leonardo Bonilla

    Hola Andres que quieres decir q
    con que ya estén los modelos ? Fabricados en prototipado? O si son reales?
  • RhinoFabLab

    Sip, esa es la idea de un FabLab, que miremos la fabricación de los modelos, esta bien el Render, pero lo mas importante, es mostrar ya los modelos físicos.... espero que me explique bien! Saludos
  • Marco D'Arcangelo

    Hi Andres, thanks for your time, I realized the link was mispelt.

    Now it has been fixed the site is still under progress
    but everything (apart from the render engine) is Rhino ; )

  • RhinoFabLab

    Super! Thanks for fixing the link! If you up load 2 or more photos, you can create an Album and that would be in the front page!
  • Grapho Design Software

    Hi Andres!

    will you been in Tecnogold today??

  • RhinoFabLab

    I will be in Brazil until tomorrow after 9:00 PM

    Hoep to see you

  • Débora Almeida

    Agora já tenho foto!
  • Vanessa Vazquez Salmazo

    Thanks Andres! I'm learn how to use yet! =)
  • Alex Aurelio Porto

    Ae voltei mudei meu email. Gostaria de receber dicasdo rhinoceros.

    Alex grato.
  • Alex Aurelio Porto

    meu antigo email
  • RhinoFabLab

    Thanks and welcome!
  • Andrea Gonzales

    Hi Andres, yeah you have the coolest name too lol. Looking forward to your visit! I am in Wendy Fok's class- parametric design- she mentioned that we would be working with rhinofablab. You may or may not know her :)