Ruairi Glynn



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Use PC or Mac?
2) Mac
Actual Position:
2) Teacher
Your Birthday!
October 14

Comment Wall:

  • Gustav Hernandez

    Brilliant thanks for that Ruari
  • Gregory Epps

    Hi Ruairi - I noticed the offer and got a ticket - thanks! It will be nice to meet you... Greg
  • Areti Markopoulou

    Hi Ruairi

    thanks for informing,unfortunately we will be traveling to dubai and tel aviv those days so no luck for us,wish you the best with everything,



  • Michael Wieczorek

    Thanks Ruairi,


    but I'm in the US at this time.

    Please keep me informed!


    Best regrads,


  • Juan Expósito

    Hola Ruairi


    ya me gustaría ir! pero estoy en Sevilla,



    Juan Expósito


  • Lisbeth Brahe

    Hi - sorry, I don't have the time, allthough it might be very interesting - thank you for asking :-)

    Wish you a great day


    best regards


  • Joan Codina

    It looks great but I must be outside the UK during thoose days. Next year perhaps.



  • Tavs Jorgensen

    Hi Ruairi

    I would really like to go - but I don't think I can get funding from my research group so I have to pay myself, what is the discount you can offer?

    I'm registered for a PhD - but I understand that all the student tickets now gone, or are there still some left?


    Best wishes




    Autonomatic Research Group 



  • michaeldrobnik

    Hi Ruairi,

    great offer but I can't make it this time. Hope there will be fabricate12!

    Best from Munich


  • Claudio Gussini

    Hi Ruairi, nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me to the event. I'd like it so much, but I'll be so busy this spring, until June. I hope there will be another time to meet together.

    Best regards,


  • Arthur Mamou-Mani

    Hi Ruairi,

    Many thanks for the offer!

    I am interested. Please let me know how much it costs.

    My email is

    Many thanks and best regards,



  • Maria Mingallon

    Hi Ruairi,


    Thanks for the invitation. I would have loved to attend but unfortunately I am tied up with other arrangements at Montreal. I will be busy with the design and fabrication of a pavilion project as part of one of the courses I teach at McGill University School of Architecture. I have added a link to the official website below for further info and in case you are interested:


    I would definitely try to make it next year though and I wish you all the best for this year.


    Thanks and Best Regards,
