
Parametric Design + Optimization + Digital Fabrication



Just found this website.....

Using Rhino4 for layout of sign designs & cnc routing.


Anyhow is there a way to re-order the objects in a 2d layout from left to right so when I plot a fullsize mounting pattern the plotter will print left to right and not have to traverse from one end of my plot to the other?


I've tried several things like saving the layout in seperate chunks and importing them from left to right, but no luck.


Looking for anything, an existing function I don't know, a plug-in or even some type of utility program to run the plot file thru before sending the HPGL-2 file to the plotter?




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Try to select the objects in order, before you print, and see what happens.

It's me again.....

Did some testing, thought I'd post it incase someone else plots large patterns from Rhino. It seems if I cut my pattern into 3' sections (like between letters of a sign) and cut and paste the sections from right to left it prints the sections left to right on the plotter.


Another tip is to cut any long horizontal lines like a 20' long centerline into the 3' sections and then add a 1/2" gap so the lines do not share the same end point locations, otherwise it prints the long lines as a single line and not in sections, if that makes sense...





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