Get Free S Tec 50 Autopilot Installation Manual S Delete S-TEC 50/55/60/65 (DC) with S-TEC 6406. Revised S-TEC 50 (AC) with 6406 HSI drawing to include S-TEC 55/60/65 autopilots. Added STC Pending statement to ARC300/800, Century 2000 and KAP 140 drawings. E1735 10/28/2013 BH T Corrected EXC pin reference on SN3500 P2 on Figure 13 drawing S-TEC 30. Excerpts from the manual The autopilot will hold the aircraft at wings level. 0 Turning the L/R Turn Knob The autopilot turns the aircraft onto the 11 May 2001 MEGGITT AVIONICS/S-TEC FLIGHT LINE SERVICE MANUAL FOR RATE The first objective is to determine if the installed autopilot system is functioning . The System 65 is a two-axis roll and pitch autopilot which includes heading mode, VOR/LOC/LOC back course intercept and tracking, glide slope capture and track, vertical speed command for climb and descent control, altitude hold, automatic elevator pitch trim, and VOR/LOC GS off course deviation warning. S T H D L O H I R D Y A LT TR K 2 M IN L R H I N F O I O P U S H / H O L D A /P D IS C P U S H M O D E 1. The System Twenty provides the aircraft with Roll Axis control only. 2. The Turn Coordinator contains the Roll Computer, Rate Gyro, Autopilot pick-off, Rate Gyro RPM detector, and an instrument power monitor that will flag if low system voltage occurs. 3. 2. Trim aircraft to desired flight conditions. Maintain yaw trim during all autopilot operations. 3. Center Turn Knob, press and release ON/OFF Switch. 4. Set Turn Knob to level or turning flight, as desired. 5. Set HDG bug (if installed) to a desired heading, press and release the Turn Knob to engage HDG Mode. 4.3 VOR Tracking and VOR Approach S-TEC 55 Controls This section identifies the controls of the S-TEC 55 autopilot. Where relevant, these are discussed in more detail later in the guide. 1 HDG Button Selects Heading Mode. The autopilot will direct the aircraft according to the heading bug. 2 NAV Button Select NAV Mode. The autopilot will intercept and track the active navigation device. s-tec-55x-autopilot-installation-manual 1/1 Downloaded from on July 8, 2022 by guest S Tec 55x Autopilot Installation Manual This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this S Tec 55x Autopilot Installation Manual by online. You might not require more become old to spend to go to the book instigation S-Tec Corporation 40/50/60 Autopilot Maintenance Manual. Skip to content. Menu. Cancel View cart. Manuals Civilian Aircraft US Department of Transportation S-Tec Corporation 40-50-60 Autopilot Maintenance Manual (SX40/50/60-M-C) by S-TEC Corporation. $130.00 | / SKU 16258:R Size S-TEC 1.1 Document Organization Section 1Overview Section 2Pre-Flight Procedures Section 3In-Flight Procedures Section 4Operating Parameters Section 5Glossary 1.2 Purpose This Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) provides Pre-Flight and In-Flight operating procedures for the S-TEC System Sixty Two Autopilot (AP). Note: The S-TEC System Twenty autopilot has four modes of operation. The active mode is displayed on the face of the autopilot by a yellow lamp. When the autopilot is disengaged (not in control of the roll axis), all these lamps will be off, and only the green RDY lamp will remain lit. N6004H S-TEC Autopilot Reference![ page 2 / 5 ]! cvk 1/29/13
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