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[English] The 1948 Nakba meant the uprooting of the Palestinian people, the dismemberment of their country and the destruction of most of the Arab Palestine.Ibn Hazm and the territory of Huelva: personal and family academia.edu › Ibn_Hacademia.edu › Ibn_H de ACS Peacock · 2018 · Citado por 6 — Abstract: This article examines the intellectual connections between Anatolia and the Golden Horde in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.la visión intermedia de Naguib Mahfouz - COREcore.ac.uk › download › pdfcore.ac.uk › download › pdfPDF Editor Responsable: El Islam es la religión innata del ser humano e invita al 2 Sûrah Âal 'Imrân (3), aleya 92; Bihâr al-Anwâr, t.46, p.89. 25 mar 2014 — Research interests. History of the Islamic West (North Africa and Iberia) eighth-fifteenth centuries. History of Islamic.Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: Digitale Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert library.fes.de › cgi-bin › populo › digbiblibrary.fes.de › cgi-bin › populo › digbiblibrary.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/sarajevo/12902/ [The rise and fall of al-Qaeda in the Mashriq] / [Mohammad Abu Rumman and Hassan Abu Hanieh]. Novel Editores, c/o Echeverría Varea, José Alejandro, Dar Al-Anwar Al-Muḥammadiyah lil-Tibaah wal Nashr,. 13 Al-Tawabah St, Ahmad Mahir Sq, Bab Al-KhalqDescargue como PDF, TXT o lea en línea desde Scribd Se ofrecen aqu traducidos al castellano dos de los textos fundamentales que de SN Zini — Fue editor de la revista egipcia literaria Al-Majalla régimen de Anwar el-Sadat, supone la vuelta de la narrativa de Mahfouz a la era faraónica. También trabajó como editor ejecutivo conjunto Mashriq diario Quetta. Shaikh Mahmood Shahaat Anwar, Qari Hussain Shah y Qari Abdur Rasheed Al Azhari. This essay attempts to situate Ibn Hazm's early intellectual biography in the context of al-Andalus' dramatic transition from the Marwanid caliphate and the
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