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The Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) seems to be a viable model for the development of many different types of courses in various disciplines, but it is not necessarily the best option for every instructor or every course. On e of the most prominent examples of mastery-based teaching is the Personalize d System of Instruction (PSI Argument #2: Personalized Learning is Bad for Teachers and Students. Every student is a unique combination of individual skills, abilities, and preferences, writes Todd Rose in The End of Average One of the most prominent examples of mastery-based teaching is the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI; Keller, 1968). Developed and introduced in the 1960s as an alternative to the dominant lecture-based method of college teaching, PSI shares several features in common with other approaches to mastery learning. Keller's Personalized System of Instruction dominated the literatu re in the teaching of psychology and behavior analysis in the 1970s and 1980s. After this brief flourish of interest, PSI research For example, some instructors allow students to retake unit tests three or four times . The personalized system of instruction (PSI) is an instructional model that may improve the personal application of physical education content. Metzler (2011) described the flexibility of the model, explaining that students can "progress as fast as they can or as slowly as they need." This presentation will detail the use of the PSI model to provide a differentiated learning experience in About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Both "tracking" and "enrichment" are examples of customizing instructional content. A renewed movement toward learner-centered principles in education has given this component more consideration in the 1990s. Effect of Personalized System of Instruction on Health-Related Fitness Knowledge and Class Time Physical Activity Learning Basketball Skills Using PSI Teaching Progression Model Personalized System of Instruction Model: Teaching Health-Related Fitness Content in High School Physical Education; Personalized System of Instruction (Prezi) What is Personalized System of Instruction 1. A comprehensive learning environment that permits the individual student to move through a progression of steps to competency at his or her own pace. The written word, rather than a lecture, is emphasized as the medium to transmit information to students. A personalized learning is the customization and adaptation of educational methods and techniques so that the learning process is better suited for each individual learner, with their own unique learning style, background, needs, and previous experiences. Learning can happen in a myriad of different places, activities, methods, and time frames. On the next few pages are four "See it in Action" examples (two elementary and two secondary) where teachers are trying to implement a personalized learning approach with their students.
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