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Dialectical materialism explained pdf

Dialectical materialism explained pdf

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Dialectical materialism is the world outlook of the Marxist-Leninist party. It is called dialectical materialism because its approach to the phenomena of nature, its method of studying and apprehending them, is dialectical , while its interpretation of the phenomena of nature, its conception of these phenomena, its theory, is materialistic . principles of dialectical materialism to the phenomena of the life of society, to the study of society and of its history. When describing their dialectical method, Marx and Engels usu-ally refer to Hegel as the philosopher who formulated the main features of dialectics. This, however, does not mean that the dia-lectics of Marx and Engels is identical with the dialectics of Hegel. As a matter Marxists Internet Archive Only dialectical materialism gave mankind, and the proletariat in particular, a great tool of knowledge and action and indicated "a way out of spiritual slavery, in which all oppressed classes have been living until now" [5]. Only the economic theory of Marxism explained the real position of the proletariat in the general structure of Thus, although in the case of Marx and Engels a Logic (outlining the dialectical method) is only marginally present, their methodology can nonetheless be extracted from their work, especially from these satellite documents, indicating a rupture with Hegel while at the same time providing a methodological bridge between Hegelian dialectics (Hegel's method) and dialectical materialism (Marxism Dialectical Materialism. The Marxist analytic method, dialectical materialism, involves an iterative movement from holistic and concrete living phenomena to a 'number of determinant, abstract, general relations' and from there back to a more complex understanding of the living whole (Marx, [1857]1973: pp. 100-102). Though the term 'dialectical materialism' owes its origin to Plekhanov and Lenin, its first expositor was Engels, who simply called it 'modern materialism' and asserted that it was essentially connected with the name of Marx. The present paper traces out the historical development of dialectical materialism, starting with its To explain. Dialectical materialism as the philosophical outlook of the Communist Party, enables us, as T h e R oa d t o Sou t h A f r i c a n Fr e e d om p uts it, "to understand the world as it really is — a nd h ow t o c hange i t". And t here a re i n f act t wo i nter-related e lements i nvolved h ere: f i r s t l y t he need to understand the world as it really is — which is called dialectical materialism. Once on the scene of objective explanations, Marxism provides us with 'tools' of dialectical thought that help us examine the things we find. These 'tools' are the laws of dialectics. (Both will be explained in Parts II and III.) There is a further consequence arising from the extension of Dialectical materialism is a philosophy of science, history, and nature developed in Europe and based on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Dialectical materialism is the only scientific worldview, constitutes the theoretic


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